Friday, June 24, 2011

#45 Rule of a Lady

Forget what has hurt you in the Past,
                      but Never Forget what it has Taught you.

#44 Rule of a Lady

Beauty may get the Attention,
              but Personality will capture the Heart.

#43 Rule of a Lady

If He doesn't Chase you when you walk away,
                       Keep Walking.

#42 Rule of a Lady

Live Well.
           Love Much.
                     Laugh Often.

#41 Rule of a Lady

 Fall In Love when your ready,
                    Not when your Loney.

#40 Rule of a Lady

LOVE your Mother.

#39 Rule of a Lady

NEVER start Fights,
                      but know how to Finish them.

#38 Rule of a Lady

You Can't Expect Him to be Perfect
                                                   ....Nobody is.

#37 Rule of a Lady

Your dress should be Tight enough to show your a women,
           But Loose enough to show your a Lady.

#36 Rule of a Lady

Being Alone and Being Loney are two different things.

#35 Rule of a Lady

Beware of Men who only compliment you on your Body.

#34 Rule of a Lady

Every Calorie is Not a War,
                You are Beautiful no matter what you eat.

#33 Rule of a Lady

Less is More,
            The Less you Reveal the More they can Wonder.

#32 Rule of a Lady

If they cant handle you at your worst,
             then they sure as hell dont deserve you at your best!

#31 Rule of a Lady

Think before you Speak.
                  You NEVER whos listening.

#30 Rule of a Lady

NEVER settle for less than you DESERVE